You can watch TV, you can surf the web, you can spend an hour on Facebook. But sometimes, some days… you just need to rock out to the radio. And Rochester radio stations have you covered.
Longing for some classic rock? WCMF delivers the good, bringing you the greatest songs from the epic bands of the 70s, 80s, and 90s. Fill your ears with power ballads, screaming guitar solos, and more mullets than you can shake a groupie at. Headbang to the hits and air guitar your arms off.
In the mood for classical? Head down the dial to WXXI, one of the few remaining full time public radio stations in America. Sooth your soul with works from the Renaissance to the Romantic and everywhere in between. You can also stay informed on global events, catch up on the latest Rochester NY local news, or hear the news from Lake Woebegone.
Not sure what you want? Stop by Fickle 93.3 for a dose of… well, everything, really. Hip hop, country, rap, smooth rock, classic rock, lite rock, metal. Fickle is one of the newest and fastest growing Rochester NY radio stations, maybe because there is a little something for everyone. It sure saves having to make up your mind.
Bottom line, if you simply cannot find something to listen to on any of the available Rochester radio stations, you must not like good music. No matter your taste, no matter your mood, no matter where you are, there is literally something for everyone. Tune in now, and see what all the buzz is about.